Thursday, December 7, 2006

MS Scale areas.....

This maybe more of a AutoCAD wish but with C3D this would really nice!Since most of our projects require us to have some things shown at a certain scale while we may have other areas/items that we would like to be shown at another scale. I.E. Plan and profiles and the surfaces are usually at a certain scale of say 1"=50' or so. But if we are also doing cross sections these will need to be shown at say a 1"=20' or 10' scale. Now I do know that C3D actually uses the Viewport scale for plotting purposes, but what I'm promoting would be to be able in Model space designate areas of Model space at are say to be displayed on 1"=50' while another area would be at 1"=10' or what ever you needed. We could say make everything to the left side of the viewing area would be one scale while anything in the other side would be at the different scale. maybe AutoCAD could make the one side black and the other sides background color a different shade of gray. Now keep in mind that usually we have an area where our surfaces are, this could be the 1"=50' and then to the right of this would be the area for the 1"=10'.

Another way would be to designate these areas with rectangle areas that have a ghost color with the scale also ghosted in in one corner or so.

Right now with the requirements of C3D of having the need for the corridor, alignments, profiles and cross sections all in one dwg this gets a little bit annoying when you need to change the scale of the complete dwg back and forth for viewing purposes.

Like I said this it not really necessary because we must plot all of this in Layouts w/viewports and they really are the controlling factor. But it would be nice if we could see the actually text sizes of all of our objects while they are in MSpace.

Bill Neuhauser P.E.Alignex Inc.

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